Detailed view
Flotte de véhicules instrumentés
The LMA has a fleet of instrumented vehicles equipped with on-board recorders. Initially comprising a car (Peugeot 307) and an engine-powered motorbike (Honda VFR800), this fleet has been supplemented since 2020 with a number of light individual vehicles, illustrating the diversity of new electric mobility: one electric scooter and one electric motorbike, 6 electrically assisted bicycles, one Speedelec bicycle, one JHOG-E electric cargo bike with trailer, 12 electric scooters and 3 electric monowheels.
To complement these vehicles, a pool of around 200 smartphones has been acquired over the last 10 years to equip fleets of volunteers. These smartphones are used as on-board recorders to acquire vehicle dynamics ( accelerations, rotation rates, GPS trajectory and speed, etc.). In addition, the LMA is also equipped with data acquisition devices on the vehicle CAN bus.
The LMA thus possesses a major field analysis tool, particularly for Naturalistic Driving Studies, combined with skills and know-how in the field of on-board instrumentation and data analysis and processing.
Practical information
- Mobility and simulation
- Connected mobility
Industrial sector(s)
- Automotive industries
- LMA - Laboratoire Mécanismes d'Accidents
Field of expertise
- Accidentology and incidentology
- Vehicle dynamics
- Study of mobility behaviour in naturalistic driving
- Vehicle/infrastructure interaction for road network diagnostics
Some photos
The platform in detail
The laboratory has been developing this concept of fleets of instrumented vehicles for approximately thirty years. Several dozen vehicles have been equipped with on-board recorders as part of the fleets set up for numerous research projects. The LMA has acquired expertise and know-how in this field, including instrumentation, data analysis and processing, as well as compliance with user data protection regulations. This equipment has been used in a number of projects. ANR NewMob, DSR ElectroMob, DSR Vélos Cargos, DYMOA, agreements with the CD76 and CD25 departmental councils, SVRAI, FACER, etc.
There are many ways in which this equipment can be used for educational purposes:
For example, since 2020, we have been working with the IUT in Salon, France, to supervise students and provide electric vehicles for tutorial projects, vehicle dynamics tests, electrical load consumption tests, etc.
Use within the framework of infrastructure diagnostics for road safety: SVRAI project with the departmental councils (CD76 and CD25).