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Flotte de véhicules instrumentés

The LMA has a fleet of instrumented vehicles equipped with on-board recorders. Initially comprising a car (Peugeot 307) and an engine-powered motorbike (Honda VFR800), this fleet has been supplemented since 2020 with a number of light individual vehicles, illustrating the diversity of new electric mobility: one electric scooter and one electric motorbike, 6 electrically assisted bicycles, one Speedelec bicycle, one JHOG-E electric cargo bike with trailer, 12 electric scooters and 3 electric monowheels.
To complement these vehicles, a pool of around 200 smartphones has been acquired over the last 10 years to equip fleets of volunteers. These smartphones are used as on-board recorders to acquire vehicle dynamics ( accelerations, rotation rates, GPS trajectory and speed, etc.). In addition, the LMA is also equipped with data acquisition devices on the vehicle CAN bus.
The LMA thus possesses a major field analysis tool, particularly for Naturalistic Driving Studies, combined with skills and know-how in the field of on-board instrumentation and data analysis and processing.

Practical information


  • Mobility and simulation
  • Connected mobility

Industrial sector(s)

  • Automotive industries


  • LMA - Laboratoire Mécanismes d'Accidents

Field of expertise

  • Accidentology and incidentology
  • Vehicle dynamics
  • Study of mobility behaviour in naturalistic driving
  • Vehicle/infrastructure interaction for road network diagnostics

Some photos

The platform in detail


Contact and manager

Bastien Canu, Thierry Serre


304 chemin de la Croix-Blanche  13300  Salon-de-Provence (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur)
