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Valuing our platforms

The member institutions of the I-SITE Future programme manage research equipments and infrastructures, in other words "platforms", that contribute to their attractivity.

The I-Site “Future” programme aims at :

  • developing a shared knowledge on the platforms, their visibility at national, European and international levels;
  • developing services of expertise for socio-economics partners;
  • developing training activities mobilizing the platforms;
  • creating a data platform on the topic of the city.

Who are we ?

The present catalogue of platforms on this dedicated website has mobilised 

  • the platform managers and teams;
  • a dedicated working group with representatives from I-SITE FUTURE.

Université Gustave Eiffel was created in 2020 by 6 institutions : a university (Upem), a research organisation (Ifsttar), an architecture school (Eavt) and three engineering schools (Eivp, Ensg and ESIEE Paris). 

The I-SITE FUTURE programme is an institutional and scientifical project led by Université Gustave Eiffel in partnership with Ecole des Ponts ParisTech.  

The scientific project focusses on the Cities and Territories of tomorrow. The platforms presented on this website contribute to this project.