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Bases de Données d’accidents

The LMA has access to a number of complementary databases, both quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative databases include the BAAC (Bulletin d'analyse d'accident corporel) files, while the qualitative databases include the "EDA - Etudes Détaillées d'Accidents" (In-Depth Accident Studies) carried out at the LMA by its teams, Police and Gendarmerie accident reports, and the IGLAD world database (joined in 2021). These databases provide the LMA with a comprehensive set of accident data.
With regard to EDA in particular, the collection of accident data began in the 1970s, and has evolved  over time in line with research issues. These EDAs enable the study of road system malfunction processes and the determination of accident causes and consequences, based on accident scene data collection.

Practical information


  • Health and Safety
  • Accidentology

Industrial sector(s)

  • Automotive industries


  • LMA - Laboratoire Mécanismes d'Accidents

Field of expertise

  • Vehicle dynamics
  • Human factors
  • Infrastructure and planning
  • Road safety

Some photos

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Contact and manager

Thierry Serre, Zoe Dubreuil Szymanski


304 chemin de la Croix-Blanche  13300  Salon-de-Provence (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur)
